Generate your own energy anywhere, save money and save the planet.

Stop spending and start investing, dazzle your costumers with the best way to produce energy.

Produce and teach using clean energy demonstrating not only that it is possible but that it is amazing.

Green and modular energy for large spaces.

Our mission is to make solar energy easy for everyone, everywhere.

You can be part of the change and the future whit renewable energy.


We provide the perfect service for you.

Strategic advice:

We will provide with our associated local experts in your city the best analysis for the installation and use of the most innovative way of producing energy.

Profitability Analysis:

We will work together with your accounting advisor so that you can apply the existing programs and incentives in the best way so that the recovery is as immediate as possible.

Adapted products:

We know that your case is unique and that you want to highlight your actions, so we will analyze your case especially and provide a solution adapted to your wishes and needs.


Since 1993, we have been manufacturing various products of mechanical metal origin, supplying world-class companies. Since 2007, a new company has been created, exporting our products to different markets in America. In 2021 we created our company in the United States to be able to arrive with our newest products.






Quality Products

The design and construction quality are accompanied by minimal maintenance with high energy production capacity.

Perfect Service

We work with the best partners to achieve an excellent service, achieving a product with high impact and high functionality.


Raise Clean Energy Awareness: Our eye-catching structure immediately grabs attention and conveys a message of creativity, resourcefulness, humility and the need to incorporate sustainability into everyday life

Environmentally friendly

Our technology is respectful with the environment not only because of the sustainability in the production but because it helps the planet by replacing the way in which the energy that is used is obtained.


We devote all of our experience and efforts for creation

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